RM69 RM518 lip valve
RM69 Standard toilet maintenance kit
RM69 Standard toilet maintenance kit
Mepra akselistot
PSS accessories
Mepratuote Oy Mepratuote Oy is a Turku-based company founded in 1971 that specializes in boat transmission and machining. The number of our staff is 24. Our operations are divided into the import, sale and manufacture of boat accessories and industrial machining. We specialize in the manufacture and import of boat transmission components; mm. propeller shafts, ... Continued
Mepratuote Oy Mepratuote Oy is a Turku-based company established in 1971, specialising in boat power transmission and machining. We have 24 employees and our activities are divided into import, sales and manufacturing of boat accessories and industrial machining. We specialise in the manufacture and import of power transmission components for boats, including propeller shafts, linkages, propellers, seals and marine diesel engines. The brands we represent include Lombardini Marine marine engines, PSS shaft seals, Flexofold propellers, ... Continued
Mepratuote Oy on vuonna 1971 perustettu veneiden voimansiirtoon ja koneistukseen erikoistunut yritys. Henkilöstömme määrä on 25. Toimintamme jakautuu venetarvikkeiden maahantuontiin, myyntiin sekä valmistukseen sekä teollisuuden koneistuspalveluihin. Erikoisalaamme on veneiden voimansiirron komponenttien valmistus ja maahantuonti; mm. potkuriakselit, nivelyksiköt, potkurit, tiivisteet ja meridieselmoottorit. Edustamiamme merkkejä ovat esim. Lombardini Marine merimoottorit, PSS akselitiivisteet, Flexofold -taittolapapotkurit, Maxprop -kääntölapapotkurit, Michigan … Continued