Wood sprocket for 11-3/8 "x12" Yamaha outboard, hub 3-1 /2" Gearcase (13 belts)
A high quality Solas NewSatur steel sprocket for Yamaha outboards from 30 to 60 hp. Fits in place of Yamaha's G series propeller.
Aluminium or steel propeller?
Most boats are supplied with an aluminium propeller. Aluminium propellers are relatively inexpensive and will last for many years under normal conditions. Steel propellers are more expensive but more durable than aluminium propellers. If you need better performance such as top speed and acceleration, you should consider a steel propeller.
Standard propeller
With a motorboat, a propeller called a standard propeller is often supplied with the engine. The size of this propeller is estimated to fit as many engine/boat combinations as possible. A standard propeller is therefore not necessarily the best choice in all cases.
For a propeller dealer, the term "standard propeller" is a difficult one, as all propellers in the propeller manufacturer's range are in principle standard propellers. There is no register available to propeller dealers to provide information on the appropriate propeller for different engine/boat combinations. Two identical boats with identical engines may have different propeller sizes if the boats are used with different loads or if one boat is used for water skiing, for example.