Vetus escape systems.

Many reasons to choose the VETUS escape system. All VETUS exhaust system components are high quality, durable and safe.
- All VETUS escape systems meet ABYC requirements
- Several components have swivel hose connections to facilitate installation
- Peak sound attenuation with minimum backpressure
- Also available in swan neck/silencer and water lock/silencer combinations
- The ASD anti-shovel valve can be opened without tools and cleaned easily
- VETUS exhaust hoses are very flexible which makes installation easy
- Exhaust gas temperature monitor available as an option

The so-called wet exhaust pipe of a boat:
The problem with dry exhaust systems is mainly noise and high temperatures that can reach over 600°C in a diesel engine.
In so-called wet exhaust pipes, the temperature is lowered to around 40° - 50°C by mixing water with the exhaust gas.
In principle, a wet exhaust system consists of the following components:
- exhaust hose
- Water trap/silencer
- Swan Neckula
- Exhaust pipe lead-through

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